According to the Lewy Body Dementia Association, an estimated 1.3 million Americans have Lewy body dementia. It is currently the second most common type of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease. Despite the prevalence of Lewy body dementia, there isn’t as much attention drawn to it as Alzheimer’s disease.
One report finds that seniors display signs of Lewy body dementia for 1 ½ years before getting a correct diagnosis. Delay in diagnosis can lead to using medicine that has negative effects. The earlier the correct diagnosis, the more likely that treatment will be successful at improving quality of life.
Lewy body dementia comes from the formation of protein deposits in the brain, particularly in regions responsible for thinking, memory, and movement. These deposits are known as Lewy bodies. Every case of Lewy body dementia is different, but there are common symptoms.
These symptoms are:
• Hallucinations: usually visual ones.
• Movement disorders.
• Poor regulation of body functions.
• Cognitive problems.
• Sleep difficulties.
• Fluctuation attention.
• Depression.
• Apathy.
One major thing to note about Lewy body dementia is that cognitive symptoms fluctuate. These fluctuations can happen quickly. This can lead to the misconception that people who have this disorder are “faking” it, but they really are not. It’s entirely possible to be perfectly fine and aware one hour and the next hour not. There also isn’t a set pattern to these fluctuations either. They can occur at any time.
Lewy body dementia comes with challenges all its own. If you, or a loved one, are struggling with Lewy Body dementia, we can help. Our care services can help people with Lewy body dementia with household tasks and assist with daily living.